Specialists Driver Training

Specialists Driver Training

Duration - 2 Days

About Our Driver Training Course

The Security Drivers Course is aimed at those drivers and Chauffeur’s wishing to develop their skills to the next level.

The course is based around sound concepts employed by security drivers globally and allows a snapshot into the world of high profile VIP movement plans, anti-ambush techniques and advanced driving techniques.

The course is a blend of class room presentations and practical skills exercises.This popular course is an excellent introduction to the role of security driver and will ensure students are able to operate competently with commercial private security details as well as UK Police and MOD agencies.

For further infomation or to book this course please contact us

Cost - £495 + VAT

Bespoke Security Training Courses

Our instructors are all qualified in their specialised field; they have a wealth of knowledge gained through working in hostile and challenging environments within the military, law enforcement and the private security industry.

T McAdams Security Training Solutions provide commissioned packages to our clients to meet all of their objectives. We do this by using the tried and tested ‘Systems Approach to Training’ (SAT), combined with project management methodology which ensures that courses are delivered on time, to the agreed standard and within budget.